Leaders in Training

Leaders in Training program

We realize that not all of our participants aspire to be a Senior cabin leader but rather would benefit from the valuable training that we will give them. There will be staff dedicated to the mentoring and training of these trainees.

Training will include:

  • What does it mean to be a Christian?
  • Teaching Biblical principles and their practical application.
  • Hands on practical work with the camp program.
  • Mentoring with other staff members.
  • What will the benefits for you include?
  • You will be challenged to more fully develop your faith walk.
  • You will learn practical people skills of life long value.
  • You will be surrounded by a staff that will encourage you and be your friend.
  • How to become a lifelong disciple of Christ.
  • Hands on training in the cabin paired up with a senior cabin leader.
  • Assist leading in the cabin

In a nut shell we will give you an opportunity to see what working at Stoney will involve in your first year. In your second year you will have more opportunities to put into practice the skills learned from LIT year one. It is worth noting that we do have high standards for our staff and do expect them to live in accordance to our “Disciple of Christ standards” year long. Not every candidate will be an automatic shoe in for a senior staff position.

Application Process

LIT’s must be 16 by the summer of 2025 to apply.

1. Application Form

Click here to go to the One Hope Canada on-line application.

NOTE: Choose LIT (Leaders in Training) as the position you are applying for.  Please indicate which weeks you are available as well.

2. References

Please have your references fill out the following on-line reference form or print it and mail to the address listed above. Make sure you provide the correct email address for your references on the application. They will receive an email with the reference form which will be sent to the camp office. If they do not receive the form, they can print it off here.