Camp if Finished with Junior 3
Hey Everyone,
We have come to the end of our summer with our Junior 3 week finishing up today! It has been an incredible summer of ministry with so many campers! We finished off the summer with a total of 735 campers from ages 7-18. This past week we had 71 campers enjoying the activities, the great weather and building new friendships. The staff had a great time with this smaller group and enjoyed the extra help in the cabins. As I write this, they are enjoying this warm day down at the beach for our final beach party of the season. This summer, so many kids got to hear the Gospel and the gift of salvation Jesus freely gives through our wonderful chapel speakers, cabin leaders and other staff. We are so thankful and praise God for the chance to serve together this summer!
Noah Wieler led these campers through the Bible and shared the Good News of Jesus during our chapel times. He walked them through the beginning of creation with Adam and Eve, how sin entered the world, why we are separated from God by that sin, and who Jesus is and what he did for us on the cross. Pray for these young campers as they head home tonight. Pray that the Word of God would dwell richly in their hearts and they would learn to walk in step with Him daily.
Tomorrow we will hold a "Staff Camp" day for all the staff this summer. It will be a fun, relaxing day with moments to share about our summer. They will get to share their highlights, things God taught them, and any struggles they may have had and overcome. It is one last day to spend together before they all head home, to school and to their careers. Pray for them as they finish off today and head into their future. Pray that they would continue to walk daily with Jesus. This summer, during our morning staff meetings, Jason Kellington has lead us through Jesus' sermon on the mount and what it means to be living as a "Sermon on the Mount Christian". Pray that we would choose to live our lives like that each moment of the day this year.
Prayer Requests
Camp is a very busy place, and all our staff are working together as a community to serve God in sharing the Gospel to our campers. We can't do this on our own, we need God's help and guidance to achieve this great task He entrusted us with. Would you help us in praying for our staff, campers, and volunteers? Here are some prayer requests and praise items you can pray for:
- We are thankful for the many campers that came to camp this summer! Pray for them as they head into the new school year, that the Word of God would dwell richly in their hearts and they would walk with Jesus every day.
- Pray for our cabin leaders, LIT's & program staff as they head back to school, college or jobs. Pray for the rest they need to get ready for another year of schooling.
- Pray for our leadership team as we head into the off season. Pray for rest for all during the next month.
- Pray for continued financial and prayer support for the camp. Praise God for the many people who do support Stoney in this way.
Thanks so much for your prayers. We value your continued support of the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many Blessings,
Stephanie Alsbach
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp