Christmas Message
The Christmas season is upon us, and we are approaching the end of 2024! Christmas is a special time of the year for many families as they gather and enjoy their traditions and favorite activities. We as Christians, rejoice in this season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and his redeeming work he does on the cross. Each summer, we get to share this Good News with our campers, introducing Him to some and helping others in their walk with Him. This past summer, we had the privilege of leading an amazing summer missionary team through a great summer of ministry. Though the summer had some minor bumps along the road, God worked mightily through our cabin leaders, leadership team, volunteers and chapel speakers. We had 735 campers come to our 7 weeks of camp and the Gospel was clearly spoken each week.
We would like to take time to thank all of you who prayed daily, volunteered their time, and financially supported the camp this past year. You are truly a blessing, and we love spending time with all of you. Camp can be seen as something fun for kids and youth only, but it goes much deeper than that. The impact of Jesus’ love reaches our volunteers and summer missionaries as they serve. It also reaches our camper families as they share what they have learned during their week with their parents and siblings. We love hearing the stories of the ripple effects of sharing the Gospel with our campers goes beyond the camp gates! God works in all circumstances, and we give Him all the Glory!
As we head into 2025, we are excited for another summer of ministry. It does take a lot to keep the camp up and running. We try to keep our camp prices as low as we can, so that is why we rely on donations to run the day-to-day activities. We do have a project in mind for this spring. With our septic system upgrade, we would like to build a new watershed that would be fully winterized. This would allow us to move forward with our plan to winterize parts of the camp and open new ministry opportunities throughout the year. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us financially as we plan for our 2025 season? Your donation will help more children and youth be able to come to camp and experience the life changing power of Jesus. If you would like to know how to get involved at camp, please give us a call and we can find a place for you. Our volunteers play a huge part in keeping the camp running each week, whether it is working in the kitchen, being the camp nurse, helping our campers as the camp grandparents, or helping fix or build things that break down during the summer.
We hope you all enjoy this Christmas season with your family and friends celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! May God bless you and your family this Christmas!
Many Blessings,
Stephanie Alsbach
New Project for Spring 2025
In 2023, we upgraded our septic system and put in new water lines to prepare some camp facilities for use in the winter. Our next step in this plan is to build a new water shed station near our staff lodge and cabins. Bringing the watershed up the hill (current water shed is down by the lake) will allow us to make it fully operational throughout the year. Our goal is to be able to run more ministry opportunities and host small groups during the winter to bring in extra income. These small groups would be things like small church retreats, youth retreats, pastor retreats, etc. We are planning to break ground on this project this coming spring. To accomplish this goal, we have started to fund raise for this project. Would you prayerfully consider supporting this project financially? We greatly appreciate the support we have raised so far.
How Can I Support Stoney?
The ministry of Stoney is unique as we work together to bring the Gospel of Jesus to young teens and children. We pair that with a great week long camping program with highly trained summer missionaries. Our mission is to present the Gospel of Jesus clearly through chapel speakers, cabin devotions led by their cabin leaders, memorization of Scripture, and singing worship songs of praise. We cannot accomplish this on our own strength, but only through the strength of our Heavenly Father. Please continue to pray for our leadership team as they work together to further God’s kingdom.
With running a camping program each summer comes many expenses. We rely on the support of many generous donors who support monthly to the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp. If you are interested in supporting the camp monthly or to make a one time donation, here are the steps to do so:
- You can set up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account to the camp’s. You will need to call the camp office at 306-873-5537. Have your bank information ready (account #, transit #, bank route #). You can set it up to come out on the 1st or 15th of each month.
- You can send an e-transfer to slbcinv@gmail.com. Please state in the memo that it is a donation.
- You can send a cheque to our post office box: Box 3717, Melfort, SK, S0E 1A0 (Due to Postal Strike, this option will be good after Christmas)
- You can call the camp with your credit card to make a donation.
We are so grateful for our donors, they are a part of the ministry of camp by supporting the work that is done each summer. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for our campers as they are back into the swing of school and their activities. Pray that what they learned during their week at camp would reign true in their hearts.
- Pray for Jason Leo (Director) as he continues to recover from his brain surgery. Pray for his medical team as they plan for the next steps for Jay. He has been feeling well and the recovery has gone smoothly so far. (Jay has been giving regular updates on his Facebook page)
- Pray for our cabin leaders as they are all back to university, bible school or at work.
- Pray for the camp's finances. That God would provide for the needs that we have for each day.
- Pray for the leadership/camp board as we seek God's direction for the future.