Teen and Family Camp
Hi Everyone,
I am sorry for the long wait between these updates! We have been having a lot of fun with our Teen camp and then right into our Family camp weekend! Teen camp was a lot of fun but was also a very hard week for some of our cabin leaders. We had 67 teens come our for the week; lots of familiar faces and some new ones! Teen camp runs on a different schedule, and one change is that they get to sleep in! Our skills change and we only do 2 of them during the day and our wide games turn into different activities like a talent show, carnival in the field, board games in the chapel, worship night, and this year we held the first ever Stoney Ninja Warrior! We set up a obstacle course in our sand pit by the barn and had each cabin work together to finish the course which included them getting very muddy! It was a great success and the campers had so much fun! Our speaker was Kaitlin Brennan and she did an amazing job bringing the Gospel to the campers during our chapel times. Lots of our campers that week were going through really tough situations and Kaitlin was able to be really real with them during the chapel speaking times. Pray for these young teenagers as they are back home, pray that the message of love they heard would stay with them and help them to grow in their faith.
On Friday night, we said goodbye to the teen campers and hello to our family campers! We had a wonderful weekend with the families, relaxing by the beach, going on pontoon boat rides, eating ice cream and enjoying the warm weather! We have 2 chapel times a day at Family camp and our speaker was Jeremy Loseth from Hudson Bay, SK. Jeremy is the pastor at Pineridge Fellowship Church in Hudson Bay and he and his wife, Wynona have 3 children. Jeremy spoke about the life and lessons we can learn from Peter, one of Jesus's disciples. Each chapel session he took us through Peter's Decision, Declaration, Denial & Devotion and what practical things we can learn from each. It was a blessing to have these families out to camp and we hope to see them again next year!
This Week: Squirt Camp
We are into our second day of Squirt Camp and we are excited to have these little girls and boys come spend a week at camp! We have 93 campers between the ages of 7-9 here this week. The schedule is very different for these squirt campers. We divide these campers into teams and they go through a rotation of our skills with these teams. They do four skills each day and have some free time in the middle. We also send them to bed early, as they get really tired during the day! These little guys are so sweet and love to try everything, but also get lost quite easily! We are excited to have fun with these little squirt campers!
This week we have Glenda Lees-Atamanchuk as our speaker. Glenda, affectionately known as Mama G here at camp, has been speaking at Stoney for many years and the campers love her dearly. Mama G has been presenting the Gospel by a theme of "Light". We are excited to see how God will work through her and the cabin devotions with the cabin leaders! Since we have only a short 3 days with these campers, last night was the salvation message. During this mornings staff meeting, we heard a little about the response each cabin had to that message. Praise God for the several commitments that were made last night. Pray for these new little Christians, that there would be people back home to help nurture their new faith and help them to grow.
Our volunteers this week are: Alyssa Weisberg, Deanna Harbridge & Tasha Morin - cooks; Jessica Maki - nurse; Dave Atamanchuk - extra boat driver; Forest & Ruth Pederson - camp grandparents.
Our LIT's this week: Caleb Maxwell, Samuel Maxwell, Ewan Gendall, Abby Stead, Anna Stead, Naomi Branscombe & Alyssa Yaskow.
We regretfully need to cancel our Fall Family Fun Days. We were unable to plant the corn for the maze this year, and due to other circumstances we will not have enough staff to help run these events.
We do plan to run these again next fall 2024!
Stay tuned for more info about our Winter events like our sledding days!
Prayer Requests
Camp is a very busy place, and all our staff are working together as a community to serve God in sharing the Gospel to our campers. We can't do this on our own, we need God's help and guidance to achieve this great task He entrusted us with. Would you help us in praying for our staff, campers, and volunteers? Here are some prayer requests and praise items you can pray for:
- We are thankful for the many registrations that are coming in, we are over 850 campers so far for the summer! Our next two weeks of camp are full, Praise God!
- Pray for our cabin leaders and LIT's. Pray for their health and safety throughout the summer. Pray that God would give them the wisdom and patience for their campers many questions, knowledge to answer those questions, and the love to show to these campers. Pray that they would finish strong and persevere to the end! Pray for them as they head back to university or college.
- Pray for our summer leadership team. Pray for Emma, our program director. Pray for her health and safety. Pray that she will get the rest she needs when she needs it, and that she will grow in her faith this summer.
- Pray for our campers. Pray that there would be no accidents, or sickness happen. Pray that they would come to know their Savior here at Stoney.
- Pray for Jay & Jen as they lead the team this summer.
- Pray for Tracy & Paddy Reed. Tracy is our Facility Manager and Paddy is the Kitchen Coordinator.
- Pray for Jesse & Stephanie Alsbach. Jesse is our Associate Director and Stephanie is the Administrative Assistant.
- Pray for Damian & Emily Obando Martinez as our LIT Directors, and Jason & Pam Kellington as our Senior Staff Supervisors.
- Pray for continued financial and prayer support for the camp. Praise God for the many people who do support Stoney in this way.
Thanks so much for your prayers. We value your continued support of the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many Blessings,
Stephanie Alsbach
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp