Squirt Camp
Hi Everyone,
We are into our first full day of Jr Hi 1 and it looks like it will be a hot day! We had an amazing 4 days with our Squirt campers last week, despite the very cold and rainy weather! The campers were so fun and they had an incredible time here at camp! They went through the rotation of most of our skills and got a taste of each one for future Junior camps when they get to choose which skills they want to do. Thursday and Friday ended up being really rainy, but these little girls and boys were excited none the less to go out on the kayaks, tizzy tower, the pontoon boat, and the train (where there were many muddy, smiling faces!). Mama G (Glenda Lees-Atamanchuk) spoke about God's Light and how he sent his Son Jesus to be the Light of the World. She did an amazing job presenting the Gospel to the campers and many of them made first time commitments! Praise Jesus for these new sisters and brothers in Christ! One of the little girls this week made a commitment and later on was really sad during a cabin devo time. When her cabin leader asked what was wrong, she explained that she was sad that her dad does now know Jesus and she wanted to tell him about her commitment but was scared he would not listen. She really wanted to have her dad know Jesus as well. On Friday, after our closing chapel, Mama G was able to talk with her dad as she told him about her commitment, and he was kind and listened well. These stories show what the campers learn at camp can have ripple effects into their families as they go home. Pray for our campers and their families as they head back home and share the Good News they learn to their family and friends.
This Week: Jr Hi 2
We are into our first full day of Jr Hi 2 and we are excited to have these pre-teens spend a week at camp! We have 132 campers between the ages of 12-14 here this week. We are back to our regular schedule with the addition of fun wide games and night games to play this week. This is our second last week of the summer so please pray for our cabin leaders as they spend time with these campers. They are all feeling tired, but are ready to love these campers and share with them the love of God. Pray that they would have the strength, energy, and boldness to share the Gospel each day.
This week we have Kelly Taylor as our speaker. This is Kelly's first time speaking at camp, but he has been here at camp in different roles before. He has served on the camp board and worked in the kitchen and maintenance. Kelly is the pastor of Kinistino Community Church in Kinistino, SK and he and his wife Angie have four children and one grandson. Kelly will be presenting the Gospel by a theme of "Loving God and Loving Others". Our first chapel last night, he presented part of his testimony by sharing how he identifies with the parable of the prodigal son. We are excited to see how God will work through him and the cabin devotions with the cabin leaders! Pray for Kelly as he shares each day in our chapel sessions. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of each person this week.
Our volunteers this week are: Arlene Schmidt & Tannis Goudy - cooks; Jocelyn Gerwing - nurse; Millie Hart - program help; Geoff & Riki - camp Aunt & Uncle.
Our LIT's this week: Reagan Boyd, Bridgette Boyd, Isabelle Roberts, Abby Stead, Aliyah Taylor & Robyn Spratt
We regretfully need to cancel our Fall Family Fun Days. We were unable to plant the corn for the maze this year, and due to other circumstances we will not have enough staff to help run these events.
We do plan to run these again next fall 2024!
Stay tuned for more info about our Winter events like our sledding days!
Prayer Requests
Camp is a very busy place, and all our staff are working together as a community to serve God in sharing the Gospel to our campers. We can't do this on our own, we need God's help and guidance to achieve this great task He entrusted us with. Would you help us in praying for our staff, campers, and volunteers? Here are some prayer requests and praise items you can pray for:
- We are thankful for the many registrations that are coming in, we are over 850 campers so far for the summer! Our last week is almost full, we have spots for 3 boys!
- Pray for our cabin leaders and LIT's. Pray for their health and safety throughout the summer. Pray that God would give them the wisdom and patience for their campers many questions, knowledge to answer those questions, and the love to show to these campers. Pray that they would finish strong and persevere to the end! Pray for them as they head back to university or college.
- Pray for our summer leadership team. Pray for Emma, our program director. Pray for her health and safety. Pray that she will get the rest she needs when she needs it, and that she will grow in her faith this summer.
- Pray for our campers. Pray that there would be no accidents, or sickness happen. Pray that they would come to know their Savior here at Stoney.
- Pray for Jay & Jen as they lead the team this summer.
- Pray for Tracy & Paddy Reed. Tracy is our Facility Manager and Paddy is the Kitchen Coordinator.
- Pray for Jesse & Stephanie Alsbach. Jesse is our Associate Director and Stephanie is the Administrative Assistant.
- Pray for Damian & Emily Obando Martinez as our LIT Directors, and Jason & Pam Kellington as our Senior Staff Supervisors.
- Pray for continued financial and prayer support for the camp. Praise God for the many people who do support Stoney in this way.
Thanks so much for your prayers. We value your continued support of the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many Blessings,
Stephanie Alsbach
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp