Junior Hi Two Highlights
Hi Everyone,
This week seemed to fly by! It was packed with crazy activities in the evenings: Underground Gospel, Dodgeball Tournament, and the campout for the survival skill kids to name a few. We had some crazy weather during Thursday afternoon and Friday, with thunderstorms and crazy winds. This didn't stop the campers from having a great day filled with their activities. It was a fun week with these Jr Hi campers! We had several kids from the Kinistin reserve next to us come join us this week. Praise God that with some fundraising, Darcey and Neil Alsbach were able to send over 40 kids from Kinistin this summer!
Josh did a great job in chapel this week. He challenged the campers with this question: "What are you going to do with Jesus?". He explained to them that they had a decision when it came to Jesus. They could say he was great man and leave it at that, or they could accept the grace freely given by Jesus's death and resurrection. These campers are at a stage where they are making their faith their own, and he challenged them this week to really make that decision to follow Christ. Pray for Christians to come alongside to disciple them and encourage them in their faith when they go home, and for them to find youth groups and churches to attend that will help in nurturing them.
Family Camp
Starting right after this camp is our Family Camp! We have about 14 families registered to spend the weekend with us here at the camp. The weekend runs from this evening until after brunch on Monday morning. The schedule is pretty relaxed with chapel sessions in the mornings & evenings and meals and then a lot of beach activities all afternoon and a few other options to try out. The weekend is meant for families to hang out and relax while hearing God's word to encourage them.
Our support staff for the weekend are:
Cooks: Val & Dan Moulton, Blair Enns, Colleen Huston
Worship Team: Jason Kellington with Harris and Elias Kellington
Our speaker for the weekend is Ken Reader. Ken will be speaking about Creation sciences. He lives in Manitoba with his wife, Karla, and their children. Pray that God would speak through Ken and that the Holy Spirit would use his messages in the lives of the families.
Most of our staff leave for the weekend to give them a much needed break. However, a few of the staff such as our Work Crew Leaders, Rylee and Zakk, and a few others will be around to help with different needs around the camp. Please pray that they will get opportunities to rest and relax throughout the weekend.
Squirt Camp
Starting Tuesday, Aug. 6 is our next week of camp, Squirt Camp. We have 125 campers ages 7-9 registered! This is a shorter week and meant to introduce campers to the camp. The schedule is a bit different. Instead of choosing skills, they go with a team to a bunch of different skills and special activities: kayaking, crafts, pontoon ride, a ride on the Stoney Train, bouncy castles, chapel games, and many others. These guys are younger and so they need a bit more help as well as take longer to get ready and organized. Pray for patience and energy on the part of the cabin leaders! Also, this is a week that has the most potential for lots of homesick campers and bed-wetters.
Our support staff for the week are:
LITs: Jorja Liddle, Addison Leicht, Taryn Smith, Nicole Mitchell, Jill Thompson, Aiden Hergott, Sam Kuperis, Jack Boyd, Brady Behiel, Levi Rask, Madison Thompson
Cooks: Val Moulton, Arlene Schmidt, Corina Caelow, Jill Gendall, Myrna Buckingham, Jackie Lockhart
Nurse: Coralea Spratt
Grandparents: Todd & Marg Munro
Maintenance: Russ & Marty Harris, Brian Hardy
Our speaker for Squirt Camp is Kelly Peters. Kelly spoke last summer as well as a few years back. He works at Briercrest in Caronport, SK. He connects really well with the campers and brings the Gospels to life when he speaks. Pray for wisdom and good connection to the campers and that God would speak through him in very real and personal ways to the campers.
Work Crew Session 3
One thing I realized I missed over the last couple updates is to inform you about Work Crew! Starting on Tuesday, our 3rd session of Work Crew campers arrive. This crew of10 campers (5 girls and 5 guys) will be here from Tuesday until Friday evening after Squirt Camp, where they will go home for the weekend. They will come back on Sunday, August 11 and stay until Friday after Junior 3 ends.
Pray that the group would learn quickly the jobs that they will do, become a close community while here and that they would learn more about God, developing a deeper relationship with Him. Pray for Rylee and Zakk, as they lead these young people in their tasks and in devotions. Pray that God would speak through them as they mentor and disciple these teens. Pray that they get the rest they need and would have the energy to continue through the week.
Corn Maze!
The Corn Maze is growing! And that means that Stoney's Fall Fun Days are around the corner. Mark September 8 & 15 (Sundays) on your calendars to come out with your family for the corn maze and other fun activities at Stoney! The corn maze will be open on these days from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Come out and join the fun!
We still have some kittens - 8 of them to be exact! If you are interested in taking one home at the end of the summer, just call the camp and we'll hold one for you - they are free! They have all had their first shots and because of being handled constantly, they make the best of pets!
Prayer Requests
There are several general but HUGE prayer requests that I have for the whole summer:
- Pray that these campers would have encouragement to continue in their faith while at home.
- Pray against homesickness - God has been blessing us this summer with keeping kids here but continue to pray for compassion and patience with the homesick campers.
- Pray for the staff that they would get a good rest over this long weekend.
- Pray for safety. We had several staff members get injuries these past week causing them to go to the hospital to get checked out. They were all minor injuries and are healing really well. Pray for continued healing for them.
- Praise God for the steady increase in camper numbers. Continue to pray that God would fill Teen Camp and we would have more opportunities to share the Gospel.
- Pray that God would work in the staff's lives as they work with the campers, that they would rely on God for everything they need especially as the weeks go on and they get tired.
Well I think that’s it for this update. Thanks again for your prayers.
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many blessings!
Stephanie Schmidt
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp