Teen Camp was a Success!
Hi Everyone,
It is Friday morning, the rain is falling, and Teen camp will be ending today. With the closing program at 5:00 comes the close to our 2021 camp season. The summer has been incredible, with so many wonderful stories of how God worked, moved, and changed lives. We are so thankful that God opened the doors to have overnight camp this summer, that He filled our weeks with so many campers, that He brought the right summer missionaries to work this summer, that He supplied us with the volunteers to help at the right times we needed them. God is so good and so faithful and all glory & praise to Him for this amazing summer of ministry!
Teen camp was small this year, but we had a wonderful week with the 37 campers aged 14 - 17. The schedule at Teen camp looks very different from a regular week of camp; we let them sleep in, we do only two skills a day, and we have activities like a carnival in the field, talent show, worship night, dodge ball tournament, and a date night where boy cabins are paired with a girl cabin and they do a fun activity together. Our chapel times have been wonderful this week, with Jason Hodge speaking God's truths and what it means to imitate Him. Thank you for praying for Jason as he spoke the last two weeks here at Stoney. Please continue to pray for our campers who have made first time commitments, or recommitted their lives to following Jesus. Many of our campers will be going home to a place where they may not have the support they need to continue in their new found faith, pray that God would place people in their lives to encourage and help them on their new journey.
Pray for Our Staff
Camp is coming to a close today for the summer, and we have to say goodbye to our amazing team of summer missionaries! Please join us in praying for these amazing young men and women as they go out and attend bible school, university or to find jobs in their communities. Pray for them, that they would find a church community to get plugged into, that they would stand firm in their faith, and that they would be bold and have the courage to continue spreading the Good News of the Gospel to those around them. We are so thankful and love each and every person on this team:
Senior Leaders: Jayne Waterhouse, Sara Goudy, Jill Thompson, Erin Grimes, Faith Zdunich, Rebecca Linnell, Beth Davie, Skyler Knudtson, Wyatt Cragg, Aidan Pater, Matt Hoess, and Reuben Van Der Walt
Work Crew Bosses: Hannah Linnell and Gabe Clifford
LIT's: Zara Young, Ella McLean, Jocelyne Durand, Abbie Cannon, Harris Kellington, Jack Graham, Ryan Hoess, Joshua Schmidt, Nathan Toews, and Ben Francois
Program Director: Claire Durand
LIT Director: Jesse Alsbach
Staff Mentors/Supervisors: Jason and Pam Kellington
Head Cook: Val Moulton
Family Fun Days!
We are planning to have our Corn Maze Family Days this year! The corn has not grown due to the drought we are experiencing, but we are planning to have lots of fun down at the camp!
The dates are Sunday, September 12th, and Sunday, September 18.
The gates open from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Cost: Adults & Youth (12 and up) - $10.00
Children (6-11) - $8.00
5 & Under - Free
Stay tuned to our social media sites for more information. Spread the word, invite families to come down and enjoy the afternoon at Stoney!
Prayer Requests
At the end of the summer we have a few prayer requests that you can continue to pray for:
- Praise for the campers who made first time commitments! Pray for them that they would have opportunity to learn how to grow as they go home.
- Pray for our Family Fun Days in September, for good weather and good turn out.
- Pray for our staff as they are heading off to Bible school, university or jobs. Pray that they would lean into God and trust Him to lead them through their lives.
- Pray for rest for our leadership team, that we would spend time in God's presence to be renewed and strengthened after a wonderful summer of ministry.
- Pray for the leadership team as we enter the fall/winter season of planning for summer 2022!
Thank you so much for your prayers! We appreciate your commitment to upholding Stoney in prayer!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page, and follow us on Instagram for more information and for regular updates.
Many Blessings!
Stephanie Schmidt