Teen Camp
Hi Everyone,
Teen Camp is a wrap, and so is the camp season. It has been a great week full of excitement and fun activities! Teen Camp has a whole different schedule then regular camp. First off, they get to sleep in! The skills are longer and they only do two a day. The nights are full of different activities. They watched a movie in the field, had a talent show/coffee house, and a worship night. Thursday night we had a banquet for supper which led into the Date Night. The cabins are paired up and they do something fun for the evening together.
Jared Wicks was the speaker and he lead the campers through what it means to follow Jesus. He talked about what our purpose is and that it is to worship God and to bear his image. By being image bearers, we need to follow His commands and promises. There was a good response with camper commitments as many made personal recommitments.
Our support staff had a great week serving the campers. There was an error in the previous update. Blair Enns did not cook this week and we had Heather Pater, Kelly Linnell, and Hannah Linnell join us in the kitchen.
Corn Maze - Family Fun Days
Sunday, September 9
Sunday, September 16
1:00-5:00 p.m.
Corn Maze, Climbing Wall, Low Elements, Barn/Petting Zoo, The Stoney Train, Horses, Face Painting, Photo Booth, Bouncy Castles, and Wiener Roast
Price: Adults (ages 12 & up) - $8.00
Children (ages 5-11) - $6.00
5 & under - Free
This is a family event. Bring your neighbors and friends from your community, invite your church family and youth groups to come!
NOTE: All children ages 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Stephanie Schmidt: Full-Time Administrative Assistant!

Please pray for her as she takes on this new venture: pray for wisdom and organization as this is a new role for the camp and for Stephanie. Pray for good and clear communication between her and Doug & Rose especially with the long distance. Pray that the good working relationship that they already have would continue to grow as they all figure out this new position.
Prayer Requests
Well the summer schedule is now complete and everyone on staff and volunteers of Stoney thank your for your support through prayer. Want to know how to pray for the camp during winter? Well here's how:
- Praise God for the 81 campers who made first time commitments and 18 campers who recommitted their lives to the Lord this summer! And I'm sure that there were many campers who made personal commitments on their own each week who never shared with cabin leaders. Pray that these young new believers who have the encouragement and ability to grow and be strengthened in their new found faith.
- Praise God for the safety and health we had this summer. Although we had the regular scrapes and bruises, the few staff members were hobbling around on crutches and I think almost every staff member got a bit of a cold throughout the summer, God protected the camp from any serious injuries or illnesses.
- Praise God for the awesome work He did in and through our cabin leading and program staff this summer. We had an excellent staff crew who poured themselves out for the campers and shared the Gospel faithfully each week regardless how tired they were. Some of the staff were at camp for almost 16 weeks!
- Pray that all the campers would have encouragement to continue in their faith while at home; pray that they find churches/youth groups/kids clubs that they can be involved in.
- Pray for our staff as they go back to university/college or to jobs this fall. Pray that they continue to share the love of Christ with everyone they meet and that they stay faithful and committed in their walks with the Lord.
- Pray for the Corn Maze Days in September (and come on out too!) that they would be a way to connect with families that might not otherwise come to the camp.
- Pray for Doug & Rose and the Board of Directors of Stoney as they continue (yes continue!) to plan for summer 2019; pray for wisdom, discernment and direction and that they would allows follow the Holy Spirit's leading for the camp.
- Pray for continued financial and prayer support for the camp. Praise God for the many people who do support Stoney is this way.
Thanks so much for your prayers throughout the summer. We value your continued support of the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
In His service,
Myra Schmidt
Executive Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp