Junior One
Hello Everyone!
We are so excited to start our summer off with Junior One!! We have been so busy with preparations this spring and with school rentals, and now camp is finally here! We have 138 campers this week with 10 work crew campers. This spring we were able to build a new cabin to help more kids come to camp. Each week we have had so many kids on a waiting list that would not be able to come to camp if we didn't build some new space for them. God was faithful in raising up wonderful people to donate towards the materials for this cabin so we give all the glory and praise to Him!
We are excited to have these campers here, and today is our first full day of camp. We have a great group of cabin leaders, LIT's and volunteers who are passionate about telling kids about Jesus Christ and showing His love to all the campers that come through our gates! This week will be filled with kids aged 8-11, they are energetic and ready to have fun! We have a several new campers who have never been to camp before so continue to pray for them as they experience the love of God through our cabin leaders and speaker.
Luke Bergmann is our speaker this week. Luke is from Tisdale, SK and has spoken at our camp for five years. Luke is the Associate Pastor at Tisdale Alliance Church, and he and his wife Rachelle have two girls - Hailey & Riley. Luke will be leading the campers through Psalm 139 in each chapel session, outlining the Gospel for them. We are so thankful to have him with us this first week of the summer!
We are so thankful for our volunteers that come to join us each week, helping us in many ways! This week we have Jill Gendall & Carina Calow helping in the kitchen with Val Moutlon as our Head Cook and Jelena Mak as the Assistant Head Cook. This week our grandparents are Danny & Karen Rung from Middle Lake, SK. This week we have a Camp Doctor! His name is Dr Michael Stoll from Melfort, SK. We also needed a male cabin leader to fill in this week, so we welcome Jesse Ukrainetz back to camp as he leads Cabin 7!
Prayer Requests
Camp is a very busy place, and all our staff are working together as a community to serve God in sharing the Gospel to our campers. We can't do this on our own, we need God's help and guidance to achieve this great task He entrusted us with. Would you help us in praying for our staff, campers, and volunteers? Here are some prayer requests and praise items you can pray for:
- We are thankful for the many registrations that are coming in, we are over 800 campers so far for the summer! Our Teen camp and Squirt has room for campers, so pray for those weeks of camp to fill up!
- Pray for our cabin leaders and LIT's. Pray for their health and safety throughout the summer. Pray that God would give them the wisdom and patience for their campers many questions, knowledge to answer those questions, and the love to show to these campers.
- This summer, in our morning staff meetings, Jason Kellington will be talking through God's hope for our lives. Pray that each of us will come to understand fully the Hope that God provides.
- Pray for our summer leadership team. Pray for Emma Parkvold, our program director. Pray for her health and safety. Pray that she will get the rest she needs when she needs it, and that she will grow in her faith this summer.
- Pray for our campers. Pray that there would be no accidents, or sickness happen. Pray that they would come to know their Savior here at Stoney.
- Pray for Jay & Jen as they lead the team this summer.
- Pray for Tracy & Paddy Reed. Tracy is our Facility Manager and Paddy is the Kitchen Coordinator.
- Pray for Jesse Alsbach as our Associate Director & Stephanie Alsbach as the Administrative Assistant, Damian & Emily Obando Martinez as our LIT Directors, and Jason & Pam Kellington as our Senior Staff Supervisors.
- Pray for continued financial and prayer support for the camp. Praise God for the many people who do support Stoney in this way.
Thank you so much for your prayers. We value your continued support of the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many Blessings,
Stephanie Alsbach
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp