Junior One is a Wrap!
Hi Everyone,
We have come to the end of Junior One and it was a fun, hot, and tiring week! The campers came to camp with great enthusiasm and we were all ready to kick off our summer of ministry! The kids had so much fun despite the extremely hot days we had. We battled heat exhaustion for both the camper and us as staff but we made it to the end with only a few campers going home because of being sick and homesickness. We are so thankful to have a beautiful lake at camp that we could jump in and cool off, which the campers greatly enjoyed this week! Junior campers have so much energy and we have a lot of fun playing the wide games, skills and chapel times with them.
The Holy Spirit was working in the hearts of our campers as lots of great questions were being asked in devotion times and through Myra speaking God's Word in chapel. Myra presented the Gospel by taking the campers through the "Wordless Book". She made a giant book that had no words but each page was a different color. Each color had a corresponding meaning with the Gospel story like "white" representing God and "black" representing the sin in our lives. Please continue to pray for our campers as they head home, pray that the seeds that were planted here this week would find fertile soil and grow. Pray that the Word of God spoken by Myra and the cabin leaders would resonate in their hearts and would take root.
Next Week: Junior Hi One
Sunday starts off with our next week of camp - Jr Hi 1! We have 120 campers registered between the ages of 12-14. We have a regular schedule with the addition of fun wide games and night games to play this week. These campers are a bit older so we do play different games with them, but the schedule stays the same.
Our speaker for Junior Hi 1 is Keith Friesen. This will be Keith's first time speaking at Stoney, but not at camps. He has spoken at many camps over the years and we look forward to hearing him speak this week. Keith is from Prince Albert, SK and will be bringing his daughter, Joy, along to help volunteer. Pray for him as he shares each day in our chapel sessions; pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of each person this week and that the Word of God would be spoken clearly.
Our volunteers are: Jill Gendall, Shawna Reid, Billie-Jean Thompson, and Lindsay Zacharias - cooks; Lindsay Unruh - nurse; Sam Lewis - maintenance
Our LIT's this week: Nairobi Church, Kamryn Wiens, Katie Richardson, Noelle Taylor, Makayla Cochrane, Bridgette Boyd, Anna Stead, Naomi Branscombe, Ben Van Der Walt, Luke Puetz, Moise Lalonde, Reagan Boyd, Ewan Gendall and Elias Kellington.
Prayer Requests
Camp is a very busy place, and all our staff are working together as a community to serve God in sharing the Gospel to our campers. We can't do this on our own, we need God's help and guidance to achieve this great task He entrusted us with. Would you help us in praying for our staff, campers, and volunteers? Here are some prayer requests and praise items you can pray for:
- We are thankful for the many campers that are signed up for camp this summer! We do have room in each camp for more campers, please check the availability on our website.
- Pray for our cabin leaders and LIT's.
- Pray for our summer leadership team. Pray for Emma, our program director. Pray for her health and safety. Pray that she will get the rest she needs when she needs it, and that she will grow in her faith this summer. Pray for Jason & Pam Kellington our Senior Staff Supervisors. Pray for them as they lead the staff in discipleship over the summer.
- Pray for our campers. Pray that there would be no accidents, or sickness happen. Pray that they would come to know their Savior here at Stoney.
- Pray for Jay & Jen as they lead the team this summer.
- Pray for Tracy & Paddy Reed. Tracy is our Facility Manager and Paddy is the Kitchen Coordinator.
- Pray for Jesse & Stephanie Alsbach. Jesse is our Associate Director and Stephanie is the Administrative Assistant.
- Pray for Gabe and Hannah Clifford as our LIT Directors.
- Pray for continued financial and prayer support for the camp. Praise God for the many people who do support Stoney in this way.
Thanks so much for your prayers. We value your continued support of the ministry of Stoney Lake Bible Camp!
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many Blessings,
Stephanie Alsbach
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp