Junior Two Highlights
Hi Everyone,
It was another busy but great week of camp! The weather was pretty hot most of the week, we had some pretty humid days! It did start to cool down on Thursday and we got a bit of rain over night. We had some power issues on Thursday morning, but SaskPower was quick to help us out! It has been a loud, crazy week - but the campers seemed to have a lot of fun! We had a few homesick campers, and we did have one camper leave Wednesday night. It was a pretty fun week, despite the heat and some of our cabin leaders coming down with the flu. Please pray for our cabin leaders to get the rest they need this weekend so they are ready for Junior Hi 2.
Jaime did an amazing job with the campers in chapel and the campers seemed to respond well to her and the cabin leaders. Pray that these campers would go home and continue to learn and grow in the faith. Pray for Christians to come alongside to disciple them and encourage them in their faith. We had many campers come to know their Savior this week. One little girl in cabin five decided to accept Jesus into her heart and was overwhelmed by how she felt warm inside when she did. She went around the entire camp that day telling everyone how she met Jesus! To see her excitement and little heart so full of joy was a huge blessing for many of us! God is so good, and he is doing mighty things this summer at Stoney!
Junior Hi Two
Sunday, July 28 is the start of our next camp, Junior Hi 2. We have 112 campers ages 12-14 registered for camp. The schedule will look pretty much the same.
Our support staff for the week are:
LITs: Emilie Ferre, Jorja Liddle, Morgan Atamanchuk, Madison Thompson, Jill Thompson, Addison Leicht, Rachel Goudy, Jack Boyd, Levi Rask, Brady Behiel, Nate Healey, Matt Hoess, Skyler Knudtson, Sam Kuperis, Aiden Hergott
Cooks: Val Moulton, Heather Thompson, Jodine Arndt, Billie-Jean Thompson, and Tanis Goudy
Nurse: Angie Taylor
Our speaker this week is Josh Lees. This is Josh's first time speaking at Stoney. He is a recent graduate of Nipawin Bible College, and him and his wife Brynn live in Saskatoon. His mother, Glenda Lees, spoke at our Junior One camp this summer. He is passionate about his faith in Jesus and connects well with kids. Pray for wisdom and good connection to the campers and that God would speak through him in very real and personal ways to the campers.
Prayer Requests
There are several general but HUGE prayer requests that we have for the whole summer:
- Pray that these campers would have encouragement to continue in their faith while at home.
- Pray against homesickness - God has been blessing us this summer with keeping kids here but continue to pray for compassion and patience with the homesick campers.
- Health and safety of the campers and staff. Please pray for them this week. We have had many come down with colds and some with the flu this past week.
- Energy throughout the week and good rests over the weekends for the staff. With the rapid changes in weather and going from 7:00a.m.-11:00p.m. every day for 3 weeks now, they are starting to get sick and tired.
- Praise God for the amount of campers we have registered this summer! We have a total of 780 campers so far! However, we still have room for more campers in Teen Camp especially. Continue to pray that God would fill the camp and we would have more opportunities to share the Gospel.
- Pray that God would work in the staff's lives as they work with the campers, that they would rely on God for everything they need especially as the weeks go on and they get tired.
Well I think that’s it for this update. Thanks again for your prayers.
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
Many Blessings!
Stephanie Schmidt
Administrative Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp