Staff Training
This past week was our staff training session. It was a continuation for the senior cabin leaders from the May long weekend training and the Leaders-in-training (LITs) had their full training this week. We have 10 LITs this summer. It was a fun week of learning and hanging out. We had some special guests come in to teach different sessions on Christian doctrine and skill training throughout the week along with our leadership staff and the cabin staff responded well in each session. I feel that the staff is well prepared for a summer of fun and sharing the Gospel with the campers this summer!
Some of the fun things we did this week included going to Kip Regional park for the fireworks on June 30. On Monday night we separated the genders and had a guys night of being on the Tizzy Tower, hot-tubbing and bacon-wrapped steak while the ladies did tie-dye, chocolate fondue and prepared a surprise for the summer! Tuesday night the board came to meet the senior staff members and joined us for supper, the traditional board vs. staff ball game (the board won!) and a time of sharing and prayer together. Wednesday night the LITs shared their testimonies and the senior staff hung out at Doug & Rose's playing games like 4 on a couch and then went hot tubbing. And then there were a bunch of informal hangout times throughout the day.
Continue to pray for the staff as they minister this summer. Pray that they would grow and continually fill themselves from the Word and be prepared to share the Gospel. Pray for health, rest and energy. The rain this week has caused a few colds already. Pray for good relationships and staff unity.
Pray for the LITs - for most of them this is the first time as a cabin leader at camp and first time in any real leadership position. Pray for confidence and boldness and good connections with their senior cabin leaders.
Junior 1
Our first full week of camp starts on Sunday, July 8! We have 107 campers ages 8-10 registered and here for a week of fun and learning about God. We're excited to get camp rolling!
Our support staff for the week are:
Cooks: Val Weber, Lindsay Zacharias, Shauna Reid, Arlene Schmidt, Christine Ruten
Nurse: Jenny Rush
Grandparents: Ruth & Forest Pedersen
LITs: Vera Woloshyn, Claire Durand, Morgan Atamanchuk, Averi Nelson, Kieran Farber, Aiden Hergott, Lance Barnett, Lukas Audette
Our speaker this week is Kelly Peters. Kelly has spoken at Stoney many times in the past and connects well with the campers. He and is family are from Caronport, SK. Kelly will be presenting the Gospel message through the life of Jesus as seen in the Gospel of Mark. Please pray for Kelly that he would connect well with the campers, that God would speak through him and that the campers would respond to the Holy Spirit's prompting.
Our schedule for this week and for most weeks during the summer is:
7:00 Staff Personal Devotions
7:20 Staff Meeting
8:15 Breakfast Horn
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Memorization
9:20 Clean-Up
9:40 Chapel
11:00 Cabin Time
12:00 LUNCH
12:45 Siesta
1:15 Skill 1
2:30 Skill 2
3:35 TUCK // Free Time
4:45 Skill 3
5:50 Supper Horn
6:00 Supper
7:00 Wide Game
7:30 Night Swim
8:00 Chapel
9:00 Cabin Devotions
9:45 TBA // Lights Out
I include this schedule so that you know what is happening and can pray more specifically for things like safety during skills and wide game or during devos and chapel that the campers would be attentive and feeling God’s presence.
We have many campers who want to come to camp but can’t afford the whole registration fee. These campers are able to apply for campership to help supplement what they are unable to pay. If you would like to contribute to the campership fund, we would appreciate your support in helping kids come to camp. Simply send in a cheque, cash or call the camp with your credit card number for whatever amount you wish and state that you want it to go towards “campership.” We will send you a tax receipt for your donation in you give us your address. Most of our camps cost $340 for a week – though campers are asked to provide at least $150 when they request campership.
Thanks for Praying!
Well, once again thanks for keeping Stoney in your prayers! We cannot do this ministry without your support. Feel free to contact the camp if you have any questions or would like to leave words of encouragement!