Hi Everyone,
I apologize that this post is coming so late! I hope you all had a great first week of summer last week. It was a busy one with staff training but I think it was a productive one and it was great to see the staff get to know one another (as I hope you see by the staff picture above!). We were blessed with great weather too. I’m including more introductions of the staff below.
Well, we began our first full week of camp yesterday, Sunday, July 7! We have 72 campers ages 8-10 registered and here for a week of fun and learning about God. They are a young group of campers so between the smaller numbers and their small size it looks like a small group but their energy makes up the difference!
Our support staff for the week are:
Cooks: Val Weber, Emily Curry, Janine Taylor, Lindsay Zacharias, Shauna Reid
Cleaning Lady: Bev Malmgren
Nurse: Pattie Draude
Our speaker this week is Jaime Schreiner. This is Jaime’s second time speaking at Stoney. She is from Tisdale, SK where she lives with her husband and two daughters. Jaime is a writer and has several published stories and writes articles for different Christian magazines. She loves God and connects well with the campers. Pray for much wisdom and confidence for her as speaking in front of large groups is still new to her.
Our schedule for this week and for most weeks during the summer is:
7:00 Staff Personal Devotions
7:20 Staff Meeting
8:15 Breakfast Horn
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Memorization
9:20 Clean-Up
9:40 Chapel
11:00 Cabin Time
12:00 LUNCH
12:45 Siesta
1:15 Skill 1
2:30 Skill 2
3:35 TUCK // Free Time
4:45 Skill 3
5:50 Supper Horn
6:00 Supper
7:00 Wide Game
7:30 Night Swim
8:00 Chapel
9:00 Cabin Devotions
9:45 TBA // Lights Out
I include this schedule so that you know what is happening and can pray more specifically for things like safety during skills and wide game or during devos and chapel that the campers would be attentive and feeling God’s presence.
We have many campers who want to come to camp but can’t afford the whole registration fee. These campers are able to apply for campership to help supplement what they are unable to pay. If you would like to contribute to the campership fund, we would appreciate your support in helping kids come to camp. Simply send in a cheque, cash or call the camp with your credit card number for whatever amount you wish and state that you want it to go towards “campership.” We will send you a tax receipt for your donation in you give us your address. Most of our camps cost $320 for a week – though campers are asked to provide at least $150 when they request campership.
I introduced you to our senior leadership staff last week. I’ll re-introduce you to the cabin leaders who were cabin leaders last summer:
Logan Seipp – This is Logan’s 3rd year as a senior cabin leader but like the majority of our staff he camp to Stoney as a camper, work crew and LIT as well. He is the cabin leader in cabin #12. Logan is from Humboldt, SK and is studying at the UofS in the faculty of Education department. Logan is also one of our lifeguards this summer. Please pray for extra alertness and wisdom as he leads at the beach.
Reese Gaillard – This is Reese’s 2nd year as a senior cabin leader after being a camper, work crew and LIT as well at Stoney. He will be leading Cabin #8 for the summer. Reese plays bass guitar on the worship team. He is from Lloydminster, SK and is studying pastoral ministry at Tyndale University in Toronto.
Zakk Taylor – This is Zakk’s 2nd year as a senior cabin leader. Zakk didn’t have a lot of experience with Stoney before starting here last year but he joined right in and the campers and staff relate well with him. His cabin is cabin #11. Zakk also plays bass guitar on a worship team here at camp. He is from Kinistino, SK and is studying Education at the UofR.
Madison Arndt – This is also Madison’s 2nd year as a cabin leader but she too grew up as a camper, work crew and LIT at Stoney. She is the cabin leader in cabin #2 and sings on the worship team. Originally from Melfort, SK, Madison spent this past year at a Capenwray school in England.
Deana Syrenne – This is Deana’s 2nd year as a senior cabin leader at Stoney. She is the female work crew boss. Deana is from Spalding, SK and went to Briercrest College this past year. She also grew up at Stoney.
Jesse Ukrainetz – This is Jesse’s first year as a senior cabin leader as he works with Deana as the male work crew boss but he spent all summer here last year helping out with program maintenance. Jesse is from Tisdale and like most of the staff grew up at camp as well.
There are several general but HUGE prayer requests that I have for the whole summer:
- Pray for the staff for confidence as many are new to being senior cabin leaders.
- Health and safety of the campers and staff.
- We still have room for more campers. Pray that God would fill the camp and we would have more opportunities to share the Gospel.
- My personal biggest request is that God would gather a harvest of souls this summer (Matthew 9:35-38). My prayer is that God would work mightily in the staff and campers this summer – bringing many campers to a first time commitment to the Lord and strengthening those who have committed their lives to Him in new ways this summer. I truly believe that God has given me the number 200 – 200 campers that He wants to bring to Himself this summer. I ask that you pray along with me in this.
Well I think that’s it for this update. Thanks again for your prayers.
If you ever have questions or would like to come out to help out or visit, give us a call. Like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stoney-Lake-Bible-Camp/223713554325460 for more information and for regular updates. We’re also on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram!
Once again, THANK YOU so much for your willingness to pray for the camp.
In His service,
Myra Schmidt
Executive Assistant
Stoney Lake Bible Camp