Hello everyone!
Stoney is up and running again for another summer of fun and sharing the Gospel! We officially began on May 8. The past month has been very busy even though summer hasn’t even begun:
May 8-30 – Part of our cabin leading staff arrived to help set up and clean the camp to get it ready for the summer.
May 18-22 – Almost all of our senior cabin leading and program staff were here for the first session of our staff training. It was a great weekend of connecting or reconnecting with each other and learning what we will be doing this summer.
May 29 – This was our first official school rental and we’ve had at least one school here every day since. Schools come for a day or even overnight for their year-end trips and our staff leads them in the different activities and games that we do during the summer with our campers. Its a great way to expose students to the camp and generate excitement for coming to camp in the summer. Our last day of school groups in on June 28.
June 30-July 6 – Staff Training Session 2. This session will also be training for our LITs (Leaders in Training). All the staff will be here to learn more of what will be expected as they lead the campers during the summer.
We have a great group of staff again this summer. Many of them have grown up as campers at Stoney and now are cabin leaders. I’ll put a post out later with some more details about the staff themselves so that you can pray for them specifically.
Executive Directors: Doug & Rose Arbogast
Executive Assistant: Myra Schmidt
Program Director: Kaitlin Giddings
Senior Staff Supervisors: Pam & Jason Kellington
Leaders in Training Supervisors: Michaelya Audette and Isaac Driscoll
Secretary: Stephanie Schmidt
Director’s Assistant: Ellie Shearer
Head Cook: Val Weber
Cabin Leaders: Logan Seipp, Landon Seipp, Jordan Seipp, Reese Gaillard, Zakk Taylor, Shayne Foster, Madeleine Hunter, Rylee Gitzel, April Thompson, Keli Heroux, Madison Arndt, Millie Hart
Work Crew Leaders: Deana Syrenne and Jesse Ukrainetz
Although we aren’t yet in the thick of the camp season, things are moving and we have many items that we would ask you to pray about.
Prayer for our campers:
- Pray for more campers. There are still many spots available for campers in our regular camps as well as Work Crew sessions.
- Pray that God would be preparing their hearts for His message to be heard this summer and that they would grow closer to Him or come to know Jesus as their personal savior this summer.
- Pray for health and safety.
Prayer for our staff:
- Pray that the cabin leading staff would be preparing themselves spiritually, mentally and physically for the summer.
- There is much to prepare for as far as cabin devotions and activities – pray for wisdom and discernment.
- Pray that they would be getting their rest now as summer is very busy and tiring.
- Pray for continued staff unity.
- Pray for health and safety.
Pray for our speakers as they prepare their messages for their week here. Pray that God would give them clarity and that they would be listening to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and leading as they prepare.
Pray for the rest of the school groups that are coming that the students would be impacted by the staff and would want to come for a full week of camp to hear the Gospel.
Prayer for the Stoney Leadership. Pray for Doug and Rose as they lead and direct the camp under the direction of the Stoney Board. And for Myra, Jason & Pam, Michaelya and Isaac as they lead the program of Stoney under Doug’s direction. Pray for good communication and unity between the leadership and that we would always be listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
If you have a kid or teen who would love to come to camp this summer we still have room! Call the camp or register on-line (http://www.stoneycamp.ca/registration/). Want to help sponsor a child who can’t afford to come on their own? We have a campership fund that we would appreciate donations toward.
Want to know more about Stoney or help out in some way? Give us a call or email. We would love to visit with you and have you help out wherever God has gifted you!
Thanks for your prayers and support! I’ll be putting on updates weekly so you know what and who to pray for during the summer. Blessings!
Myra Schmidt
Executive Assistant of Stoney!