Weekend Rentals

Church groups can rent the camp for a weekend throughout June, in late August to October.  During these weekend stays, groups have full access to Stoney's facilities and activities, however the church is responsible for planning and leading their own activities.  The Stoney staff will prepare all the meals for groups, the price includes the costs for these meals.

We do not offer weekend rentals during the month of July and the first 3 weeks of August.

Click on the titles below to learn more about a weekend trip to Stoney.

Who We Are

Stoney offers a professionally run camping program. It is our goal to give your camper an unforgettable camper experience.

Stoney has been serving Northeast Saskatchewan for over 61 years!

Our program provides the opportunity for students to experience many new activities. Your students will be challenged as they are encouraged to try new things and gain new abilities.

Stoney is owned and operated by One Hope Canada and is an accredited member of the Saskatchewan Camps Association and of Christian Camping International.

Stoney is located on Kipabiskau Lake, southeast of Melfort SK. We have a great natural setting including a sandy beach and waterfront area, and acres of trees.

Facts About A Weekend Rental

Weekend rentals run from Friday until Sunday. Typically weekend rentals begin after supper on Friday evening and leave Sunday afternoon. During July and August we ask groups to not come before 8:00 p.m. on Friday and leave by noon on Sunday because of our regular camping program.

Groups create their own schedule and are responsible for organizing and leading their own activities. Meals are the only set times for groups by Stoney:

8:30 - Breakfast

12:00 - Lunch

6:00 - Supper

9:00 - Night Snack

10:00 - Sunday Brunch

Groups can use Stoney's facilities and program equipment but must follow all the rules set out for the camp. Certain activities - such as the climbing wall, archery and pontoon boat - require Stoney staff to lead them and there would be an extra charge to use them. The beach and waterfront are available and used at the group's own risk. A lifeguard is not provided.

Meals are served in our dining hall and our staff will inform you of the process. During meals groups are asked to monitor their children. We also ask that you clean up your tables (throw away garbage, wipe the tables, etc).

If you wish, Stoney has a canteen in which you can buy junk food. We typically have chips, pop, chocolate bars, and other candy. Everything is under $2.00.


Stoney aims to provide guests an awesome experience at an affordable price. The cost for a weekend rental includes fees for:

  • accommodations for a 2 night stay,
  • Friday night lunch
  • Saturday breakfast, lunch, supper and night lunch
  • Sunday brunch

Toddlers (0 - 2 ) - N/C
Kids (3 - 11) - $ 91.00 +GST
Youth (12 - 16) - $ 127.00 +GST
Adults (17 +) - $ 127.00 +GST

GST will be added to your total when you arrive at the camp for your weekend stay. The office will send you an invoice before you come for your weekend with the total cost for your stay.

Optional Fees:

Boat Rental Cost: $80/hour (This cost is for the pontoon boat)

Paintball Cost: $40/person for a one hour session (Each person will get 200 paint balls)

Important to know: Rental groups are responsible for providing their own insurance when renting our facility. Groups will need to send proof of insurance to Stoney prior to their stay. Here are a few companies you can buy insurance from if you do not own your own home insurance (you can click the links to go directly to their websites):

Some Rules & Guidelines

In order to make your stay fun and enjoyable, there are few guidelines and rules that we ask you to follow while here:

1) Stoney requires that groups provide a chaperone for each cabin if you are here over night. There are 6 bunks/cabin (total of 12 beds). Because of health regulations, we cannot allow you to add extra people to the cabins.

2) Please be respectful of the camp facilities. Put garbage into the garbage cans/barrels that are around the camp. Use the equipment with care. Each activity station has rules posted – please observe and follow these. If something is broken please report this to the office or program director.

3) We ask that you clean your cabins – sweep the floors, wipe down the mattresses and take out the garbage. There are supplies in each cabin as well as in the kitchen.

4) Groups are responsible for their children. Please supervise them on all equipment and around the waterfront.

OneHopeCanada Rental Policies

Stoney has policies about who can rent the facilities and what is allowable behavior on the camp premises that have been set for us by our parent organization, OneHopeCanada. Groups are required to read and agree with these policies in order to rent Stoney's facilities. You can download and print the document here:

Guest Group Agreement 2024 - One Hope Canada

Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk 2024 - One Hope Canada

Please sign this and fax it to the camp (873-2277) prior to your trip.

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